The First 3 Steps for Creating your Own E-Commerce Website

Step 1: Envision your Website: Creating an e-commerce Website can be a daunting task for many people. Most people have a vision of a completed website, but they don’t know where to begin. And that’s perfectly okay! Because the first step is to really just envision your website. I’m sure you have already done this in some fashion, so go ahead and check #1 off your list! Besides just having a vision in your head, you can go a step further by creating a list of favorite websites. These can even be competitors of yours. Something about their website stood out to you, whether it was their professional look, images and pictures, or connection to social media platforms. Another way to help envision your website is to create a folder fill it with several sheets of blank paper. Use a pencil or pen and start drawing windows on it, and start drawing pictures and text on those windows. A website is basically just an online store. A real store has actual windows that displays wares to customers, and a website is not all that different.

Step 2: Open a bank account: The backbone of an E-commerce website is commerce itself. You need to be able to link your website to a service that can bill your customers, but before you do that, you need to have a bank account into which you can accept payments. You may be thinking, “I already have a bank account.” While this may be true, it is best to have a dedicated bank account just for your business. You don’t want to link up your life savings with your website for several reasons.

One is that it will be far easier to account for your business with a dedicated account. Because money is required for any business, you are going to have expenses that come out of the account. You don’t want last night’s Chik-Fil-A order get mixed in with your materials that you bought for your business.

Another reason is that it is safer to have a dedicated account. Whatever service you use for accepting payments for your business (I like woo commerce), you are going to have to enter your account and routing number. You don’t want to use your personal account, with all your income from your job, savings, etc. as the primary account for your business.

Opening a business account is a step in the right direction for your business. You may even want to provide your goods or service to a customer who will pay you with a check, take that check to the bank and use it to open your account.

You may still be thinking “why do I need a bank account if my customers always pay me with Zelle, CashApp, and Venmo?” The reason is that while your current customers make it easy for you to accept payments, there is the possibility that your future customers might not use these payment methods. Money transfer methods like CashApp and Zelle can be used as alternative methods of getting paid but should not be your primary means of accepting payment. Your business will be elevated to a new level of professionalism when you are able to simply send someone a link to pay directly on your website.

Step 3: Decide on how you will build your website: So far, you have envisioned a website, and even opened a bank account for it, so now here comes the part where the rubber meets the road.  You are going to have to ask yourself if you want to build and design this website on your own, or hand it over to a website building service. No matter which way you go, we here at Rank101 have got your back. You can follow our straightforward and simple instructions, or you can let us take it from here. We offer fully customized websites for as low as $499.00. All you have to pay is once at the beginning, and once at the end. That’s only two payments of $249.50. But we are not just here to sell you a website. We are here to empower you and show you the steps for making that a reality, if you choose. If you are ready for more, click to find out how to get your website ranking on the first page of google.

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